Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lift Chairs And Arthritis

As almost anything begins to age, it is inevitable that some things will stop working like they used to. This is especially true of the human body. One common condition that is found in people over fifty years of age is arthritis. Arthritis is a, often painful, condition that involves reduced mobility and joint problems.

There are many different forms of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis, septic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis almost always results in some sort of pain or discomfort, and depending on the type, it can be exceedingly painful. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system begins to attack the joints, along with several other organs. This can be extremely uncomfortable and often results in a tremendously reduced maneuverability.

For many people the stiffness and pain associated with arthritis is combated by less frequent movements. In many cases a warm shower or bath in the morning can help to alleviate some of the pain. Ice packs and massage have also been shown to help with arthritis, and there are many different medicines on the market to combat the inflammation and swelling associated with arthritis. It has been found that mild electrical pulses that are directed at the joints help some people. In terms of long term relief, exercise and weight control can play a big part in increasing mobility. There are also several operations that can be performed, including a realignment of the joints by a surgeon.

Arthritis can cause pain and make moving around very difficult. A lift chair is something that can in many cases help to alleviate the pain of arthritis. Lift chairs are medical devices that have a base that rises to make it easier to stand and sit. The base rises at a very slow and steady rate that makes the transfer from standing to sitting as painless as possible. They also feature a remote controlled foot rest and back rest. This can, in addition to being more comfortable, help to reduce the amount of effort it takes to use the chair. These units are great for those with arthritis, who might otherwise not be able to stand without assistance. Many lift chairs also come with available heat and massage that can reduce pain and improve the ability to move.

In addition to devices like lift chairs that reduce pain and increase mobility, exercise has been shown to help with joint pain. Things like swimming, walking, and stretching are good forms of exercise for people with arthritis. This is because they are very low impact and in some cases reduce stiffness and joint pain. Exercise that increases your range of motion show great promise in both preventing and dealing with the pain of arthritis. Things like aerobics and muscle strengthening has also been shown to help. It is important to consult your doctor before beginning exercise and a good rule of thumb is that if the pain lasts for more than an hour after you are finished exercising, then you may be pushing yourself too hard.

Arthritis can be very painful and often results in swelling of the joints. The decreased mobility is often significant, so make sure you find a competent and caring doctor to help you find the best way to combat the arthritis. There are things that can be done to both fight arthritis and prevent it, so ensure that you have a good plan to deal with this common malady.

Arthritis And Pregnancy

As everyone may well know, rheumatoid arthritis is systemic and also chronic and an autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting the joints that can affect women irrespective of their age. And, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy, women will undergo an alteration in their immune state that can change into an autoimmune disease, and there have also been ameliorating effects of being pregnant on a woman with rheumatoid arthritis, which has been confirmed by some recent studies on the subject. Nevertheless, there are as many as seventy to eighty percent of such patients that will experience remission while they are pregnant, though one quarter of these patients will suffer from rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy and in some cases, the disease may worsen thereby needing to be treated even when the patient is pregnant.

Temporary Improvements

Whatever improvements are felt in rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy are generally of a temporary nature with patients soon relapsing during postpartum period, and why there is improvement in rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy has yet to be fully discovered. However, theories have been put forward such as it could occur due to changes in hormones during pregnancy, effects of pregnancy on immunity that is mediated by cells and alteration to neutrophil function during a pregnancy.

If you look at the figures related to rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy, you will find that though rheumatoid arthritis does affect only one to two percent women, rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy is not as rare a condition as one might expect it to be and women who are at an age of reproduction are most likely to be affected. There have also been studies on the effects of rheumatoid arthritis on pregnancy, and it has been found that majority of women in the US having rheumatoid arthritis may be relatively unaffected by their pregnant condition and the maternal morbidity rates among women with rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy are about the same as for those who have rheumatoid arthritis and are not pregnant.

Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy have any effect on fetal outcome, though there are some reported instances of premature birth and even reduction in growth due to rheumatoid arthritis, while other reports do not suggest any change in fetal outcomes at all.

Thus, it would be safe to assume that there are no real long term effects on a woman’s health condition as far as rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy is concerned, and studies also point out there is no appreciable changes in the outcome of pregnancy in women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Acupuncture Use As Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

With growing concerns about the possible side-effects associated with drugs used to treat arthritis pain, more and more arthritis sufferers are searching for natural arthritis pain relief treatments. These natural arthritis remedies are a way to treat arthritis pain without side-effects.

1. Exercise the Joint

Due to the pain of their arthritis condition, arthritis sufferers tend to avoid exercising the affected joints. While this avoids pain in the short term, long term the muscles of the joint become more stiff, less flexible and weaker. This has the compounding effect of making their arthritis worst.

While exercising the muscles around the afflicted joint may seem simple, research has shown that this type of natural arthritis pain relief is very effective. Lifting weights will keep the muscles strong and flexible, stabilizing the joint and ensuring less pressure on the actual grinding bone.

Stretch the muscles regularly. You may find Yoga or Tai chi beneficial in this regard.

2. Glucosamine - An Excellent Arthritis Treatment

Glucosamine is another natural arthritis pain relief treatment which has found strong support in the research literature. Glucosamine is a natural substance found inside the body that helps reverse cartilage damage, lubricate the joint and relieve pain. Liquid glucosamine is considered to be more effective than glucosamine in tablet or powder form.

If you are looking to buy liquid glucosamine products, make sure you do your research first as products can vary greatly in terms of quality of ingredients and value for money.

3. Acupuncture - traditional pain relief treatment

There is a great number of arthritis sufferers who have used acupuncture as an effective treatment for arthritis pain. The treatment is many thousands of years old and involves stimulating points on the body to encourage blood flow and to unblock energy. Studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective in relieving pain.

Make sure you use someone who is certified in acupuncture if you are thinking of using this natural arthritis pain relief treatment.

As with anything, make sure you research a natural arthritis pain relief treatment before trying. These treatments can help relive arthritis pain, are inexpensive, have no side effects and can be used in conjunction with more traditional medical treatments.

Pain Relief For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic illness that leaves patients suffering from never ending painful conditions and symptoms. According to medical studies and researchers, there is no specific medication that can cure this health condition. Don't lose heart! There are several diet options you can depend upon in order to get relief from pain. Here are some diet suggestion coming straight from medical expert to plan a pain-free diet in order to reduce inflammation and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

a) Tea

Tea has been introduced to the list of healing foods by the experts. Green tea consists of polyphenols, widely known as epigallocatechin - 3 gallate or EGCG. This works towards inhibiting the expression of the interleukin - 8 gene. This gene works for arthritis inflammatory response. Researchers have also proved that black tea can reduce the pain. Sip in tea and you will be relieved from pain. There are certain special compounds found in tea such as phytoestrogens, flavonoids and fluoride. These are a group of antioxidants that work together for healing pain in the body.

b) Grapes

Grapes are rich in resveratrol. It is a phyto-estrogen, nonsteronoidal compound. The studies in the past few years have indicated that resveratrol tends to block inflammation of cells. The inflammation of cells is directly associated with arthritis or several other diseases related to joints. Resveratrol is the first major natural compound that has been identified to undertake two major tasks. The first task is to block the Cox-2 gene from being activated. The second function is to inactivate the enzyme created by that gene. Experts believe that trans-resveratrol can work towards improving aspirin properties to fight diseases related to COX-2 like arthritis. So, snacking on grapes let you get a lot of healing nutrients to the body.

c) Vegetables

Diet consisting of a major portion of vegetables is said to reduce inflammation in most people. This diet helps in producing prostaglandins and leukotrienes. These functions help in reducing inflammatory conditions.

d) Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in glutathione. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant and detoxifying agent. Most of the antioxidants such as Vitamin C & E are unable to function without the help of glutathione. Experts also believe that people with less glutathione in their body can have greater risk of arthritis as compared to those with higher amounts of this antioxidant. You can also snack on some other glutathione rich foods such as avocados, grape fruit, peaches, watermelon and oranges.

e) Fish

According to several studies conducted on health, it has been proved that Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish can help in reducing inflammation. You should also include fish oils to your diet in order to stay away from the rheumatoid arthritis. Fish high in Omega-3 include anchovies, bluefish, capeline, dogfish, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, shad, sturgeon, Tuna and white fish.

f) Pineapple

Pineapple has been widely used to heal sports injuries. The fruit contains bromelain helps in reducing inflammation. The ingredient helps in reducing pain occurring due to arthritis.

g) Olive oil

Eating Olive oil in large quantities can cut down the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. It is high in unsaturated fatty acids. It also contains Oleic acid that helps in decreasing inflammation.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Control Of Arthritis Pain And Care

Arthritis pain? Do you have pain? Or do you have arthritis? well let me tell you that there is help and cure's for you. I played football for over 11 years and I can say that put a major strain on my body mostly my knees. The doctor said I would have arthritis pain later in life but later came sooner then later.

I put together little tricks and tips for me to use which included:

Light exercise
water aerobics

Get help with your arthritis today become pain free.
These were my main areas I would focus on when I was looking to help cure my arthritis pain. Anyone can do this and it's very easy. I look at it like this, if you do not continue to help your illness (arthritis) then your illness will get worse and worse. There is proactive measures that you can take to make everything better but this is all up to you.

You must make an effort to exercise, walk, eat correctly, stay off of the painful area, rest, and perform natural therapy on your own. If you do not do this then you are not ready to help yourself.

I as hard as it was had to force myself to do things on a daily basis.

I created a routine:
wake up stretch, take a 30 minute walk, read the newspaper, light weight lifting 15-20 minutes, and I would continue to do this each and every single day no matter what... Guess what? over time my pain got better and better and soon non existent! Miracle I don't know but it worked. My arthritis was gone.

Symptoms And Care For Arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints that can at times disable the patient. The consequences of arthritis include joint disfigurement and constrained joint mobility.

Statistics of Americans with arthritis or chronic joint symptoms:

• 1985 - 35 million

• 1990 - 37.9 million

• 1998 - nearly 43 million (1 in 6 people)

• 2006 - 46 million (nearly 1 in 5 adults)

• Arthritis is said to be one of the most ubiquitous chronic health problems and is leading cause of disability among Americans over age 15.

• Arthritis is second only to heart disease as grounds of work disability.

• Arthritis limits daily activities such as walking, dressing and bathing for more than 7 million Americans.

• Arthritis results in 39 million doctor visits and more than a half million hospitalizations.

• Arthritis influences people in all age groups together with nearly 300,000 children.

• Baby boomers are now at chief jeopardy. More than half those affected are under age 65.

• Arthritis is a term used to refer to more than hundred different diseases that concern areas in or around joints.

General Information:

• Women - 24.3 million of the people with arthritis diagnosed by a doctor

• Men - 17.1 million of the people with arthritis diagnosed by a doctor

The disease also has an affect on other parts of the body. Arthritis causes pain, loss of movement and sometimes swelling. Some types of arthritis are:

• Osteoarthritis: a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage that covers the ends of bones in the joint deteriorates, causing pain and loss of movement as bone begins to rub against bone. It is the most prevalent form of arthritis.

• Rheumatoid arthritis: an autoimmune disease in which the joint lining becomes inflamed as part of the body's immune system activity. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most serious and disabling types, affecting mostly women.

• Gout is a form which mostly affects men. It is usually the result of a defect in body chemistry. This painful condition most often attacks small joints, especially the big toe. Fortunately, gout almost always can be completely controlled with medication and changes in diet.

• Ankylosing spondylitis is a type that affects the spine. As a result of inflammation, the bones of the spine grow together.

• Juvenile arthritis is a common term for all types of arthritis that come about in children. Children may develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or childhood forms of lupus, Ankylosing spondylitis or other types of arthritis.

• Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus): a severe disorder that can agitate and damage joints and other connective tissues all over the body. • Scleroderma: a disease of the connective tissues of the body that causes a thickening and hardening of the skin.

• Fibromyalgia: a form in which extensive pain affects the muscles and attachments to the bone. It affects mostly women.